Friday, January 29, 2010

4: Happy Strangers - Smiley Faces

Something I LOVE is happy strangers. You can ALWAYS tell the difference between someone who means it when they say "How are you?" or "Have a nice day!" and someone who doesn't. It's on their face and in their voice. I love it when someone at a store or other place where I am greets me or helps me with genuine interest and happiness. I love it when I go through the drive through at the bank and the person on the other end comments on my name or when they ask me how I'm doing they wait for me to respond and respond to my actual answer as opposed to a quick, "good" that cuts me off halfway through my "great." It is these people that I know are happy with their life and can't help but let it spill into other's.
Today my picture is my receipt from the bank, the man drew me a smiley face and it made my day. :-P

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