Monday, March 8, 2010

Bride & Groom Wedding Pictures

Well today was one of the most stressful days I've had in a long time.
We scheduled our Bride & Groom pictures at the temple for today about 3-4 weeks ago and then yesterday it rained ALL day. So last night my photographer called and was worried about it being wet everywhere at the temple for today so I called my hairdresser too and rescheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday. Then this morning I get up and my mom tells me that she checked the weather and it is supposed to rain all day again tomorrow. :( :( :( I seriously can't catch a break. My mom also said it was supposed to lighten up a little this afternoon, so I called back the photographer and asked her what she thought and we decided to go ahead and try to shoot today just to have at least a few shots that we could put up at the reception and if we had to we would do another shoot after the wedding later, when it wasn't so rainy and wet. So I called my hairdresser back to see if she could still fit me in today and got her voicemail. Now remember this is all happening right before I have class. So by this time I've realized I have too much to do before the shoot to even consider going to class. So I ditched class and ran around like a crazy person, (sorry if I cut you off or sped by you!), trying to do last minute things I could have done earlier that morning before class, had I been planning on the photo shoot when I went to bed the night before. Somewhere in the middle of my mad dashing to pick up shoes for Chase and flowers to throw together a last minute bouquet, I finally got a hold of my hairdresser and she said she could still do my hair.
Somehow I got everything done (except going to class), and we got to the Temple on time and got the shots we needed. It was pretty stressful and I thought my head might explode and I didn't get half the things done today that I wanted to but at least I pictures are done and out of the way. I am excited and can't wait to see them.

three more days.

1 comment:

Tanner ♥ Chaya said...

Yeah it poured on my wedding day too! I thought pics would be ruined but ended up being great because of the cloud coverage, got some way cute pics with an umbrella!! Yaya! 3 days left!
